Monday, March 28, 2016

crabapple - early spring

We could not have asked for a more beautiful Easter day in Rochester. We went to our friends Katie and Mike's house and I sat outside and drew while their son Padraig played with a wind-up bird.
In the top left-hand corner you can see where I was testing out the effects of water on my new felt-tip pens.
I loved the twistiness of this tree, and the things Katie had hung from its branches, still very bare at this time of year. Padraig claims this tree doesn't bloom, but I'm not so sure?


  1. Auch das gefällt mir sehr! Was sind denn felt-tip-pens?

    1. Danke Beate! Das sind glaube ich Filzstifte. Von Staedtler, "Pen 68" Die kann man anscheinend gut mit Wasser vermalen!
