Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I am continually fascinated by leaves and their shapes, and how they grow.
These I doodled on the back of an envelope while talking on the phone:

When I got off the phone I decided to do them more justice by drawing the whole plant, and its environs:

It is a baby split-leaf philodendron. I am hoping it will grow up to take over the entire kitchen :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

hallo, cupcake!

Because "Hello" is probably trademarked :)

This was an experiment with using acrylics more like watercolors. The result makes me laugh...and I'm dedicating it to my friend Christina, maker of cupcakes!

Monday, November 17, 2014


This weekend I found myself in an audience a lot. 

I got an opportunity to quick draw this harp, before the orchestra filed on & obscured my view...

and captured these cute little violinists in their Suzuki group class, as well as a bit of a large window, a tree outside and a car.

(the curling vine trying to wind around one of them is actually another drawing showing through from the previous page)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014